As fifth year Art students, our teacher Ms.Cunningham, very kindly brought us down to visit “Sculpture in Context” in the Botanic Gardens as part of our L
eaving Cert. course. We made the trip in our double class. The sculptures were all in relation to an aspect of the Botanic Gardens. We viewed a variety of different sculptures inside the gallery and also in the surrounding gardens. The sculptures were made from various different media including porcelain, metal, glass, textiles, wood and ceramics. They also varied in scale. Some were life-sized and others were on a smaller scale. Having visited the “Sculpture in Context” exhibition and witnessed the huge number of amazing and original pieces, we were all influenced and inspired to create our own pieces. We designed and created our own interpretations and responses to the Botanic Gardens. Our sculptures were personal and represented what we feel would feature well in the “Sculpture in Context” exhibition. This was definitely a very beneficial and inspiring trip.