RSA Interactive Unit (Shuttle) visits St Mary’s!

RSA Interactive Unit (Shuttle) visits St Mary’s!


RSA Shuttle Bus

Road Safety Interactive Unit (Shuttle)

The main aim of the Road Safety Interactive Unit is to provide the general public and other target audiences with the chance to interact with various road safety campaigns and to spread the message about the importance of road safety.  There is something for everyone on the Shuttle because road safety is for everyone.


What can you do on the Shuttle?

  • practice your driving and hazard perception skills on our simulators (car, motorbike, bicycle)
  • enjoy a fully interactive road safety educational experience
  • experience simulated virtual situations in our virtual reality pods and experience first-hand the dangers of driving and texting and driver fatigue
  • practice safe cycling skills on our state of the art bicycle simulator
  • See how driving environments and speed affect your braking distances on the brake reaction timer
  • practice the driver theory test on board
  • Test your fancy footwork by dancing to the Safe Cross Code in the activity zone
  • Take a road safety quiz in the activity zone
  • Learn about tyre safety.  Remember, your tyres are the only contact with the road
The Shuttle Comes To St Mary’s
The RSA shuttle and simulator  arrived at St Mary’s on Wednesday 24th May 2017 and set up  in front of the astro pitch. TY students who had just completed their Driver’s Education Module had the opportunity to put much of the theory into practice.
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Roll Over Simulator

Accompanying the Interactive Unit was the roll over simulator.  This simulator continues to be highly effective in encouraging people to use safety belts.  The simulator is a car body fitted to a rotating hydraulic platform.  Participants sit into the simulator and experience a half or a full rotation.  The ‘simulation’ demonstrates how it would feel if you were in a car which turned over in a collision, and the lifesaving benefits of wearing a seatbelt should this occur. Many staff members availed of the opportunity to test out the simulator.









We are very grateful to the RSA staff who came to the school on 24th and shared their knowledge and expertise with staff and students. Special thanks to Ms Doyle who taught the module to TY students and organised this event as part of it.