Pope John Paul 11 Awards

Pope John Paul 11 Awards

Pope John Paul 11 Awards


The following was taken from the Mother of Divine Grace Parish Newsletter.

We welcome four young ladies from St. Mary’s Holy Faith Secondary School Glasnevin who are currently working with the Family Mass Group every Thursday and Sunday morning.

This is part of their John Paul 11 Awards programme which offers young people an opportunity to learn the way of service and to develop the skills of Christian leadership. The young people commit themselves to work in the Parish for a period of weeks and a set number of hours depending on the award they are working towards. There are four awards, the Papal Cross Award, The Gold Award, the Silver Awards and the Bronze Award. The participants also spend an equal amount of time working with community groups. The young ladies are a great help with the Family Mass. While also working with us in the Parish, Rachel works with Clareville Day Centre with elderly people. Ella also works with in Clareville helping with the different activities there. Emma works also with the St. Vincent de Paul in Finglas Village and Kelly teaches computers to retired and elderly people. We are very proud of them here in Ballygall and find them to be quite inspirational. Some comments they have made on their experience here in the parish are:

“It’s nice to give back to the community” “It’s nice to be a leader with the Family Mass having been part of it as a child” “It’s nice working in the Parish and working with the children”. Well done Rachel, Emma, Kelly and Ella. Keep up the good work.

For further information about the Pope John Paul 11 awards just click on the following link http://www.thepopejohnpauliiaward.com/