Parents’ Association AGM 2014
St. Mary’s parents association AGM will take place on Monday 6th Oct 2014 at 7.30pm
The speaker at the AGM this year will be Eamonn Doran who is a member of the Finglas Suicide Network and will begin at 8 pm
More details to follow.

Pictured above are some of the members of the Parents Association
St. Mary’s Parent-School Association has been in existence since 1992. The objectives are as follows:
- To promote and support the philosophy of the school.
- To develop better understandng and co-operation between home and school for the benefit of the students.
- To act in an advisory capacity in promoting the educational and general welfare of the students of the school.
- To encourage parents to work together to assist parental development.
- To promote fundraising to improve the school facilities for the benefit of the students.
- To support the school in any situation where it requires help in dealing with other bodies.
- To liaise with the Principal and Board of Management on any matter relating to the objectives of the Association with the exception of matters concerning the competence of individual teachers ot the day to day running of the school.
Membership of the Association is open to all parents and guardians of students currently attending the school. The committee normally meets every 5 -6 weeks during the academic school year.