Health Week And One Million Step Challenge

Health Week And One Million Step Challenge

Health Week And One Million Step Challenge


Health week ran from the 20th to 25th of January with a focus on promoting the slogan ‘EAT SMART, MOVE MORE’. Our TY health squad were on the loose giving out fruity snacks and challenging their fellow students in the many activities available. Included in the week we had early bird runs, indoor soccer, skipathons, hockathons and staff vs student relay races, not to mention the many healthy snacks provided for all at break and lunch. We also took on the 1 million step challenge this year in conjunction with operation transformation where 12 students and 8 teachers attempted to walk one million steps together during the week. Each volunteer had to wear a pedometer each day and log their steps…see results below.  We asked parents to JOIN HEALTH WEEK and start healthy living from home.

For more information please copy and paste  the following link:


St Mary’s One Million Step ChallengeThis year during Health Week St Mary’s took on a new challenge of one million steps in 5 days.  We asked a group of 20 participants to volunteer, which was made up of 8 Teachers and 12 Students.  The challenge represented 20 participants who would walk for 5 days and achieve 10,000 steps a day which would equal 1 million steps!  Their progress was monitored everyday by Pedometers . (20 participants x 5 days x 10,000 steps a day = 1 million steps!).We wanted the St Mary’s group of 20 to challenge themselves to hit the 10,000 step mark everyday for 5 days in a row, and therefore that the overall group would walk 1 million steps.Research shows that walking 10,000 steps a day will significantly improve your health, but most of us only walk between 3,000 and 4,000 steps per day.   Therefore 10,000 steps per day certainly was a challenge for all the volunteers!We were delighted, not only to achieve our target but to beat it with a total number of 1,231,423 steps achieved.  This is a fantastic achievement for our first Step Challenge in St Mary’s and a big thank you to all our student and teacher participants.  Keep on Stepping!