Gaelic – DCU Blitz Champions!

Gaelic – DCU Blitz Champions!

Our Gaelic team entered a Blitz in DCU on 9th April. It was composed of girls from First and Second year. Although facing very tough opposition, our girls exceeded the highest of expectations and won every game up to and including the final!! All games were of a very high standard, especially the final, and our girls’ talent shone from start to finish. Every member of the panel performed brilliantly on the day effecting some great scores and showing real determination and team work. The team was presented with its trophy by Dublin Stars Johnny Cooper and James McCarthy. A big thanks to Ms Boran for her help on the day. It was a great honour for the school to leave as champions and hopefully the girls will continue their winning ways for years to come!

The team on the day: Katie Alcock, Ciara Kelly, Rachel Hogan, Sarah Conway, Aoife Fenton, Gillian Fitzgibbons, Fiona Daly, Kellie Gorman, Megan Cluskey and Stephanie Cluskey.

Mr. Beirne