Coiste Gaelbhratach Awarded a Second Flag!
Bhí baill den Choiste Gaelbhratach i láthair ag searmanas an tseachtain seo caite chun an dara bhrathach don scoil a bhailiú. Bronnadh an bhratach ar an gCoiste de bharr an sár-iarracht atá déanta acu chun an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn ar scoil. D’eagraigh na daltaí imeachtaí éagsúla i rith na bliana, cosúil le clubanna bricfeasta, ceolchoirm agus tae agus caife don séú bliain. Go n-éirí libh an bliain seo chugainn!
Members of the Coiste Gaelbhratach attended a ceremony last week to collect the schools second Irish flag. The flag was presented to the Coiste because of the great effort the students have made to promote Irish in school. The students organised different activities during the year like breakfast clubs, a concert and tea and coffee for Sixth Years to practice before their oral Irish. Best of luck next year!