Camogie News

Camogie News

This year, for the first time, St. Mary’s entered a team into the Dublin Senior post primary camogie championship. Each year in the school was represented on this team. It played its first competitive match in October. The team got off to a promising start before Christmas and had an unbeaten record in its group matches. St. Mary’s recorded comprehensive victories over Confey College Leixlip, Holy Faith, Clontarf and Hartstown C.S.

After the Christmas break the girls faced a tough challenge in the semi-final which was played on the Farnham Drive pitch in Finglas. Loreto, St. Stephen’s Green, proved to be a very strong opposition. The game was very close and St. Mary’s had to work very hard to overcome this challenge. Through hard work and determination St. Mary’s earned themselves a place in the final winning the semi-final by only one point in the final minutes.


The final was equally as nail-biting. Our opposition once again was Holy Faith Clontarf. On the day the St. Mary’s team travelled to Clontarf. The team suffered a blow in that its goal keeper, Saoirse Devlin, was unable to play due to injury. This set back and the challenge which the girls faced required strong leadership and belief on the day. Although at times during the final St. Mary’s were behind, they never gave up. Each player showed determination and pride in their team and the school. The spirit and team work that the girls showed during the game paid off when they were again, only one point ahead at the final whistle. Our captain, Aoife Reilly (pictured below), made an acceptance speech in front of her team mates, parents, families and of course our supporters . They came along with Mr. Beirne and Ms. Coughlan and were very loud and supportive on the day. The girls will be presented with their medals later in the year.



This was a fantastic achievement for the girls and St. Marys. We wish the best of luck and further success to our sixth years both on and off the pitch. They include: Aoife Reilly, Amy Keoghan, Lauren Hale, Rebecca Murphy, Rebecca Doherty, Alix O’ Keefe and Vanessa Boland.

The standard of camogie and talent in this school has been evident this year. Hopefully the girls can build on this success again next year. Well done to all.

Ms. A. Walsh and Ms. Shelley