Students Council
Student Council 2016 – 2017

Student Council 2017 – 2018
Student Council
“Students of today, leaders of tomorrow”
Student Councils are provided for in the 1998 Education Act as a means
whereby students can be involved in the affairs of the school in partnership with
the Management, Staff and Parents’ Association of a school.
The Student Council is the representative body for students in St Mary’s and it acts as a link between the students and the school authority.
Each year elections take place in September to elect the council. Students canvass the week before the election and the sense of excitement created around the school is palpable. Each candidate is required to give a speech outlining why they should be on the council. Voting takes place by secret ballot in the Choir Hall and candidates are elected by simple majority vote.
There are fourteen student council members, two from each year group with the Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl sitting on the council automatically. Each student council member is elected by their peers and they sit on the council for two years.
The Student Council is chaired by one elected 6th Year student with the other 6th Year student acting as Secretary. The Chair of the Board of Management, Principal and Deputy Principal attend meetings at the request of Student Council. Meetings take place every second Monday throughout the school year with Ms. Hayes and Mr. Farrell attending as Council coordinators.
Student Council members take their duties seriously and requests from the Council to school authorities are very well received as the student voice is important in decision making in school.
The Council each year focuses their attention on raising areas of concern for each year groups as well as organizing events throughout the year.
Members of the student council like to hear what students have to say. Everyone likes to be heard and the council like to make sure that students have a say in how the school is run on a daily basis. The council welcome all suggestions from students and there is a student council suggestion box where students can raise matters of concerns.
Members of the Student Council endeavour to improve where possible the school and the daily lives of the students in a spirit of respect for all.

Pictured above are some previous members of the Student Council with their co- ordinator Mrs Hughes

Above students attend one of their meetings