Transition Year History

Transition Year History

Transition Year students had their first History trip of the year to Glasnevin Cemetery. The girls enjoyed a guided tour of one of Dublin’s historical sites, seeing the final resting places of many people they learn about in Irish history. They visited the Round Tower to see the resting place of Daniel O’Connell and saw the grave of Michael Collins, still covered in flowers each day. They also viewed the cemetery’s interactive research room where they could look up extra information on those interred in the cemetery. Transition Year History students are currently presenting their research projects on, “Local History and Heritage”. Local sites of historical interest were researched by students in pairs. The project allowed the girls explore the work of the historian as they had to interview staff on their chosen sites, take original photography, research in the school library and investigate sources online in an effort to dig deeper into the history of our locality. They then demonstrated their computer and presentation skills with five minute powerpoint slideshows given to their class and teachers.