The Great Iceland Adventure

The Great Iceland Adventure

Students and teachers gathered at Dublin Airport this morning 24th Oct 2013 at 8.15 am to head off on the trip of a life time to Iceland. We wish them all a safe and happy journey. Keep up to date with how the group are getting on by clicking on the following link https://www.stmaryshfcglasnevin.com/?page_id=364

At 6.20pm on Monday Oct. 28th the Icelandair flight from Reykjavik landed with all 47 children and 5 teachers on board bringing the amazing adventure to Iceland to an end.

A great big congratulations to all involved in  making this trip such a huge success particularly all five teachers who traveled  to Iceland with the students Ms Maher, Ms Byrne, Ms Moggan, Mr Beirne (pictured below) and Ms Mahon.

Photos below!