Emmanuel at the Helix Monday 6th March

Emmanuel at the Helix Monday 6th March


Congratulations to our choir and our six soloists who performed so well at last night’s Emmanuel performance at the Helix.


Emmanuel is a project of the Dublin Diocesan Liturgy Resource Centre. This year over 2,400 students from 63 schools throughout the Diocese are taking part (approximately 600 per night) over four nights from Monday 6th – Thursday 9th March.  See more at: http://thehelix.ie/what-s-on/all-events/emmanuel-2017/#sthash.NcmUezhB.dpuf


The concert celebrates liturgical music in our schools and last night the 600 strong choir raised the roof in what was an uplifting concert of celebration and worship!



The sixth years who performed in their final Emmanuel Concert at the Helix last night with choir directors Mr Coll and Ms O’Rourke

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