St Mary’s Fun Fund-Raising Day!

St Mary’s Fun Fund-Raising Day!

St Mary’s Fun Fund-Raising Day!Students and staff of St Mary’s turned out in force on Friday 23rd October to celebrate the end of the first half term in style. Huge efforts were put into the design and execution of the most amazing array of costumes for the occasion. Well done to the Transition Year students, who under the guidance of the prefects and Ms Hughes, Ms Griffin and Ms Warren presented the Halloween Quiz over the school intercom. The Production was extremely professional! All staff and students took part in the Scary Mary’s Walk which was quite a sight to behold. A great big thank you to all involved!

Staff and students alike were thrilled by the unexpected arrival of our rugby heroes to support our Fun Day!

To add to the fun of  Friday Ms Boran organised a teacher / pupils fun race. The race involved pupils rolling in a piece of string as quickly as they could until they caught the rat, which was at the end of the string! Round 1 was pupils from 1st-6th year. The winner was Orla Carney from 5th year. The teacher race was won convincingly by Mr Beirne. The top 2 teachers then took on the top 2 pupils in the final. It was a close race but Mr Beirne  eventually won, with tired arms had by all.

The Rat Race attracted a big crowd during the lunch break.

The full cast of Snow White paid us a visit on the day and were happy to stay for a photo shoot!

As well as being a Fun Day Friday 23rd was a Fund Raising day for the school. With the constant advances in technology IT equipment can become obsolete, or it can simply wear out. Due to the great efforts of our students today we managed to raise €4,500.00 towards updating and replacing some of the IT equipment in the school. We all know how important IT has become in the classroom and how it can enhance teaching and learning. We are truly grateful to all those who contributed towards the success of this Fund Raiser!