Funds Raised for Nepal

Funds Raised for Nepal

Funds Raised for NepalThe funds raised for Nepal by St. Mary’s Glasnevin were spent on two projects to provide financial support to needy families who have lost both their main source of income through bereavement during the great earthquake of 25th April. The Nepal Ireland Society team in Nepal has worked locally with informed organisations to best identify families in need. This process will now continue to support other families until all of the funds raised by Nepal Ireland Society are exhausted. Your funds enabled the society to begin this process through these two first families…

1. The President of Nepal Ireland Society, along with our Nepal Team for Earthquake Relief, handed over Rs. 1,00,000 Fixed Deposit Bank Account Certificate to Ms. Nirmala Maharjan from Lalitpur who lost her husband in the recent Earthquake. She is left with to take care of her two children. The family will get a constant income of Rs. 500 per month from the interest, for five years. After five years, she could withdraw the money and use it for her children’s education or continue by renewing the current fixed deposit account.

2. The President of Nepal Ireland Society, along with our Nepal Team for Earthquake Relief, handed over Rs. 20,000 as part of our scheme to provide immediate cash relief to earthquake victims. A family from Chyasal Lalitpur, lost the bread winner leaving wife and two children. The cash was handed over to the younger son of the deceased.

Please pass on the thanks of Nepal Ireland Society to the students their parents and staff of St. Mary’s Glasnevin for the generosity shown in this time of great need in Nepal.

Paul Devaney

Adventurer | Freelancer | Irish Seven Summits