Discover DCU Programme

Discover DCU Programme

Discover DCU ProgrammeDiscover DCU is a series of workshops delivered to students from schools linked to the DCU Access Service. Workshops are facilitated by the staff of the DCU Access Service and current Access students and graduates.

Discover DCU aims to support and complement the work of the Guidance Counsellors and other teachers in the school. Throughout the workshops, students are encouraged to think about the options open to them when they leave school. They are encouraged to consider third level as a viable option and are informed of supports in place that can facilitate this.

It takes the form of a workshop for students intending to take at least two honours subjects for their Leaving Certificate examination. The aim of the workshop is to give information, allow students to explore their fears, anxieties and expectations about third level, offer guidance and support about studying at DCU.

The programme works with a cluster of three schools. The first workshop took place on 26th November and our school was asked to participate. The following 5th years represented the school on the day: Leah Deegan, Ciara Murphy, Kodie Dowdall, Sarah Loughlin, Katie Donlon, Erica Keogh, Zoe McGuiness, Michaela Cambe, Orla McLoughlin and Eimear Callery.