St.Mary’s HFC Secondary School Glasnevin – Green School

St.Mary’s HFC Secondary School Glasnevin – Green School

Green School The Energy in Education website  (www.energyineducation.ie) is one of a range of supports developed by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) in collaboration with the Department of Education and Skills designed to help school boards of management, principals, teachers, administrators, caretaking staff, pupils and parents to improve energy use practices and to reduce school operating costs along with helping to protect the environment for future generations.There is a statutory requirement for public sector organisations to reduce energy consumption by 33% by 2020. Public bodies, including schools, will also be obliged to monitor and report energy use to SEAI from 2011.To assist  with this Mr Donnelly attended The Energy and Education Programme which consisted of two half day work shops for schools, where he learned how to measure energy usage, how to identify where the energy savings are and then how to implement the energy savings and much more. Mr. Donnelly brought all this infomation back to St. Mary’s to help staff and pupils understand where energy savings can be made and to help implement these savings.Students from 2 Ulster began to monitor the energy usage in St. Mary’s and worked together to survey the classrooms, kitchens, staffroom, gym etc. and recorded the energy using equipment in each room. The survey helped to identify ways in which we can save money in relation to energy in St. Mary’s and we are now well on our way to implementing an energy saving plan. To see the energy in education video which includes Mr Donnelly and 2 Ulster click on the link below and then click on the first video

http://www.energyineducation.ie/Energy_In_Education/Information_ for_Schools/Resources_and_links/Video_Clips/