Thanks to all parents/guardians and students for sponsoring the walk on 27th October. We have raised over €4,100 which will be spent to enhance the facilities in the school for your daughter(s). We are most thankful for your support. Thanks to all the staff also who entered so enthusiastically into the spirit of the day! Míle Buíochas!
Early Bird Raffle
Particular thanks to those who got their cards back in time to be entered into the Early Bird Raffle. Congratulations to the winner Abby Umpad from class 2 Gifford who won the €50 voucher for the Jervis Centre. Well Done Abby – happy spending!
Well done to all the students that entered the Positive Pumpkin Competition. These wonderful creations were displayed in the Sensory Garden area and in the glass passageway en route to the Choir Hall (see below).
Some of our lucky winners receiving their prizes from members of the Amber Team.