For 2 Daisy’s action project, we chose to visit the D.S.P.C.A. The D.S.P.C.A. stands for the Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and they do great work involving the rights of animals in Ireland. The D.S.P.C.A. rehabilitates animals that have been injured or are homeless. The government provides them with a grant to help the animals, but the grant is not enough, so they also fundraise, and people like us can make donations. The D.S.P.C.A. has one thousand, seven hundred unpaid volunteers to help take care of the thousands of animals they help.
On Thursday the 10th of April, 2 Daisy went out to their headquarters in Rathfarnham and saw first-hand the amazing work that they do. Hearing the devastating stories of animal cruelty cases that Olive, the volunteer who gave us the tour, had seen, tugged at the heartstrings even of those who didn’t like animals. It really opened our eyes to the harm being done to them. The day was made so much better when we gave Olive our cheque for €175.35, which we’d made the previous day at our cake sale pictured below. We are now writing up the rest of our action project and look forward to making people more aware of the kind of work the D.S.P.C.A. does for animals.
– Hannah and Naoise
Class 3 Derg had a visit from local community Garda, Laura Sheridan,
from Santry Garda station, as part of our CSPE Action Project. We are raising awareness on personal safety. We learned many personal safety tips from Laura. Some tips we learned from Laura were that when you delete things from your phone or Facebook they can be retrieved, and it is dangerous to have your Facebook profile on public. These tips and more can be seen on our posters and leaflets around the school.
During the visit from Laura we asked questions like “Why had she become aGarda?” We also learned about her training. She trained for two years in Templemore, Co. Tipperary. She had to study French, German, Irish, Law and Self Defence. All Gardaí must train and study these in order to become Gardaí. We are very grateful and thankful to Laura for taking time from her busy schedule to come and talk to us as part of our CSPE action project. We really enjoyed this action project, and sharing the safety tips with all the students through our posters and leaflets around the school.
– Helen Martin and Chloe Ray, Class 3 Derg